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"Jamille Laiko Bea"

Jamille or  "Jam", successfully completed her studies in St. Scholastica's College Manila last March 2013 with a degree of Mass Communication minor in Advertising. She was included in the Dean's Lister twice and graduated with an award of Best Thesis.  
In a nutshell, Jamille is the girliest girl ever, on a positive note, that is. Her adorableness and kookiness can brighten anyones day.
Jam has a great passion for everything. She is known for being a determined person that’s why in all her undertakings she makes sure that she gives all her 100% effort. She’s very passionate about her craft. When she wants something, in her own little ways, she'll get it step by step. She has the desire to excel beyond her capabilities which means she always aims high. 
Continuous learning is what she would always wanted to do. She believes that continuous learning could help reach the peak of her success.
One of her dreams is to have a successful career in the Advertising field someday and aside from that, Included in her life plan is to build an organization that could help children and other marginalized people. 
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